Monday, January 28, 2008


Margret Cho's blog on Heath Ledger sums this tragic event up nicely. He will be missed by many. I personally will always remember him as not only Enis Del Mar but also the hottie from "10 things I hate about you."

"I am absolutely devastated by the death of Heath Ledger. I never met him, but I was a big fan, especially after "Brokeback Mountain." His performance in that film was so stunning, utterly heartbreaking, just filled with a raw, naked longing and wrenching sadness. I admired him because I thought it was so brave – this very heterosexual leading man totally going for the ultimate gay realness. Seriously. When he spit in his hand I almost screamed "YOU GO GIRL!!!!" "Brokeback Mountain" was a milestone for us, and Heath's amazing talent and willingness to play for our team earned him gay icon status forever. I'm sad because now we don't get to see him anymore, his gorgeous, troubled face growing older and changing, going from boy to man to elder statesman. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends. What a terrible loss." -

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